Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Updating MS2710xA Firmware
Updating MS2710xA Firmware
There are several options available to upgrade MS2710XA firmware depending on the Remote Spectrum Monitor application environment.
1. When the monitor is connected to the internet, you can update to the most current firmware version by accessing the Anritsu website for a download.
2. The target monitor has a USB port available to the user (MS27100A, MS27101A, and MS27103A) and you would like to update over this connection.
3. Use an FTP process to transfer a firmware file over a LAN connection between a PC and the MS2710XA.
4. The monitor is not connected to the internet but you want to update the firmware over the LAN connection on a private network. This is similar to the auto update from the Anritsu website but the process is re-directed to a location on the private network.
Download Firmware From the Internet
Firmware Updates are available from the Internet. See Figure: Check For Updates.
Check For Updates
1. System Button
2. Check for Updates Button
1. Select the System button.
2. Select the Check for Updates Button.
Either of two dialog boxes will appear. See Figure: Firmware Update Dialogs.
Firmware Update Dialogs
1. Firmware Up to Date
2. Firmware Update Available
If the Firmware Up to Date message appears, select Reinstall or Dismiss. By selecting Reinstall, the firmware will automatically reinstall into the MS2710xA. By selecting Dismiss, the dialog box will disappear and the display screen will be available again.
If the Firmware Update Available appears, select Install Update and the firmware will automatically install into the MS2710xA. By selecting cancel, the dialog will disappear and the display screen will be available again.
Download Firmware by the USB Port
Download firmware to a USB memory device. Go to the Anritsu web-page to download the Firmware Update for the Remote Spectrum Monitor MS2710xA here:
The Download page for the MS2710xA will appear. See Figure: Download Firmware.
Download Firmware
1. Select the Download button.
2. Copy the .tar file to the USB memory device.
3. Insert the USB in any one of the USB ports on the target MS2710XA.
The system will automatically update the monitor firmware. If you are using the web browser; the application will stop, updating will take approximately two minutes, and then the browser will reconnect.
4. Check under the system tab of the browser to confirm the desired firmware version is loaded.
Use an FTP Process to Update the Firmware
You can use File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to upload files from the local PC to the remote probe. There are multiple methods that can be used to enable an FTP process. Windows PCs come with a command line FTP client built in, Windows Explorer can be used as an FTP client.
The firmware package file that is to be installed (*.tar)
A PC that has network access to the instrument
An FTP client for the PC
The following example uses Windows Explorer as an FTP client
Windows Explorer has FTP support built-in since Windows 7.
On your keyboard, open Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows key plus E simultaneously. See Figure: Open Windows Explorer.
Open Windows Explorer
The Windows Explorer screen will appear. Enter the IP address or hostname of the remote probe you are trying to connect with. (‘ftp://[probe IP or hostname]’) in the Windows Explorer Ad.dress bar. See Figure: Enter IP Address.
Enter IP Address
In this example, the IP address entered in the Windows Explorer address bar as Once entered, a Log on As dialog box will appear. See Figure: Log On As Dialog Box.
Log On As Dialog Box
Enter the ftp user-name and password as prompted (‘ftp’ and probe serial number.) If you do not know the unit’s serial number, you can find the serial number by using the *IDN? SCPI command in the SCPI panel of the Web browser interface. The Password is the target serial number.
Open the Internal folder.
Internal Folder
Copy the new firmware .tar file to the internal folder:
Use the SYST:FIRM:UPD SCPI command to install the uploaded firmware package.
1. This SCPI command requires parameters of the file name and the memory location:
SYST:FIRM:UPD “release-MS2710xA_T2017.3.6.tar”, “Internal”
2. This will initiate the automatic update process.
Using a Server Node Process to Download Firmware
This process will simulate the automated firmware update process described in the Download Firmware From the Internet, but will be configured to operate in a private network. This approach is accomplished by directing the remote monitors to a server location different than the Internet Anritsu web site.
A web (http) server accessible over port 80 on the instrument’s network.
A custom manifest file describing what firmware packages are available and where they can be downloaded from:
The file contains JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) describing the packages; For an example, see the official, default file at:
"default": "V2017.8.1 (MS2710xA)",
"packages": [
"name": "V2017.8.1 (MS2710xA)",
"version": "V2017.8.1",
"model": "MS2710xA",
"url": ""
"version": "1.0.0"
For most customer use cases, it should be sufficient to start with the official file as a template and simply change the package name, version, URL of the .tar file, and the reference “default” (this will prioritize the version to be accessed).
The name of the manifest file does not matter (it does not need to be called packagelist.txt)
The firmware package file that is to be installed (*.tar)
Using a Server Node Process to Download Firmware
1. Set up/configure the http server so that it can be accessed by the instrument.
2. Place the firmware package in the web server’s content tree and verify it can be downloaded within the network from some other computer
Note the URL of the package, e.g. http://myserver/MS2710xA_V2016.11.2.tar
3. Ensure that the custom manifest file contains the correct URL for the package that was downloaded in step ii.
4. Place the custom manifest file in the web server’s content tree and verify it can be downloaded within the network from some other computer
Note the URL of the manifest file, e.g. http://myserver/packagelist.txt
5. Send the SYST:FIRM:UPD:REM:SOUR SCPI command to the instrument to set the custom manifest file. This command will require a string parameter that is the URL for the manifest file.
6. Verify that the new firmware package source is being recognized by the instrument by either
1. Reboot or refresh the web GUI and check in the:
System > Firmware Update > Advanced dropdown.
2. Send the SYST:FIRM:UPD:REM:LIST? SCPI query to retrieve the list of available firmware packages.
7. Install the selected firmware package either through the web GUI or via the SYST:FIRM:UPD:REM SCPI command.