Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Graphical User Interface : Setting Secure Mode
Setting Secure Mode
Secure Mode prevents unauthorized access to both the setup parameters and measurement data stored on the monitor. The following sections detail the method and commands for securing a Remote Spectrum Monitor (RSM). Steps are listed to turn On or Off the Secure Mode for the desired remote spectrum monitor. Placing the RSM in secure mode requires a password. Users should determine that password before going through the setup. The default password is described in Setup Step 5. Communication to the RSM is done through port 8001. Port 8001 is always available whether Secure Mode is on or off.
A command is also provided to reset passwords to default. If this command is used, all setup parameters and measurement data stored on the RSM unit will be cleared. This ensures that unauthorized users will not have access to this information if they are able to gain physical access to the monitor. The secure mode will be off.
To communicate to the RSM unit, you must download Anritsu RSM Secure from the Anritsu website. This allows you to run the utility program, Anritsu RSM Secure Mode.exe, that communicates with the remote spectrum monitor.