Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Graphical User Interface : Setup Tabs : Network Tab
Network Tab
Select Network tab to configure and view the instrument’s Ethernet and dynamic DNS settings.
Network Tab
The Ethernet default is set to Static IP. The default Static IP is To change static IP addresses, click on the IP Address Allocation list box in the Network tab and select Static. Three entry boxes will be listed - Static IP, Static Subnet and Static Gateway. Fill them with their respective information and then press the Apply Ethernet Configuration button.
To change to DHCP, click on the IP Address Allocation list box and select DHCP. Then pres the Apply Ethernet Configuration button. This setting will automatically obtain an IP address from the DNS server. Refer to the Quick Start Guide to find the assigned DHCP IP address on your network.
Dynamic DNS
The information regarding Host, User name, and Password, should be obtained from the person setting up the network for remote spectrum monitoring. When the information is obtained and entered, press the Apply Dynamic DNS Settings button. Currently, only the Dynamic DNS service provider is supported.
The following are GPS information for the Remote Spectrum Monitor when GPS is enabled.
Fix: States the quality of the last fixed GPS result.
Enabled: Displays if the GPS function of the Remote Spectrum Monitor is enabled.
Position: The latitude and longitude of the last fixed GPS result.
Altitude: The altitude of the last fixed GPS result.
Num Satellites: The number of satellites used in determining the location of the Remote Spectrum Monitor