Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Graphical User Interface : Setup Tabs : Display Tab
Display Tab
Select the Display tab to set display resolution and correction.
Display Tab
Set the Display Resolution
There are two types of display controls, display resolution and color management. There is also a check box to turn on/off the Spectrogram. To change the trace point count in the measurement display window and spectrogram, enter a value in the box labeled Display Point Count. Changing this value will have an inverse effect on sweep speed. An increase in the number of measurement points reduces the sweep speed while a decrease in points results in a faster sweep. Change the font size of the text in the measurement display, settings summary, tabs and setting panels by clicking on the pull-down list and selecting the desired font size. Click the check box for Show Spectrogram if you want the spectrum bar on the y-axis and spectrogram displayed.
Set the Display Correction
Adjust Brightness, Contrast, and Saturation by moving the their respective sliders. Press the Reset Corrections button to return the values to default.