Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Graphical User Interface : Setup Tabs : Measurements Tab
Measurements Tab
Select the Measurements tab to do additional post-processing calculations on the spectrum data.
Measurements Tab
An Auto-Save function is available to save traces to Monitor Memory or to a USB stick. When initially run, the active measurement is spectrum.
Continuous Measurement Saving
This feature allows you to save measurements at the defined interval.
Measurement Save Interval: This is the frequency that measurements are saved. If the interval is set to 5 minutes, it will save every 5 minutes.
Amount of Memory Space to Allocate: Set the memory space allocation. This setting ensures that no more than the amount of space set is used to save measurements with this feature. If the value is 100 MB, once 100 MB have been allocated for measurement files, the next measurement save will cause the OLDEST measurement file saved to be deleted and the new one to be saved.
Directory Location: Select Internal or USB if a USB memory device is available.
Save Directory: Enter or navigate to, by pressing Choose, the desire location where the measurement files are to be saved.
Set Path: Press when the Directory Location and Save Directory have been entered. Setting this path also sets the Save On Event path.