Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : Graphical User Interface : Setup Tabs : Amplitude and BW Tab
Amplitude and BW Tab
Select the Amplitude and BW tab to set the amplitude, bandwidth, and input parameters for measurement.
Amplitude and Bandwidth Tab
Setting the Frequency Bandwidth
1. Click the RBW list box. Select the desired RBW or check the box next to Auto to have the RBW set automatically.
2. Click the VBW list box. Select the desired VBW or check the box next to Auto to have the VBW set automatically.
3. Enter the desired Span/RBW ratio in the Span/RBW Ratio entry box.
4. Enter the desired RBW/VBW ratio in the RBW/VBW Ratio entry box.
5. Select the desired VBW type from the VBW Type drop-down list - linear or logarithmic.
Setting the Amplitude
1. Select the Amplitude & BW tab.
2. Enter a Reference Level value in the Reference Level entry box. Or, you can press the up/down arrow buttons to incrementally raise or lower the current value in the box.
3. Enter a Reference Level Offset (db Ext Gain) value in the Reference Level Offset (db Ext Gain) entry box. Or, you can press the up/down arrow buttons to incrementally increase or decrease the current value in the box.
4. Enter a Y-Axis scale value in the Set the Y-Axis Scale (dB/div) entry box.
5. From the Units drop-down list, select dBm or dBuV.
Setting the Input
1. Set the Attenuation by clicking on the list and selecting the desired attenuation value. Or, check the box next to Auto to have Attenuation set automatically.
2. If the use of the Preamp is desired, click the Preamp check box. If attenuation is set to Auto, then the Preamp can only be enabled for Reference Levels -40 dBm or lower.
3. Set the input detection by clicking the Detection list and selecting the desired state of detection - Positive, Negative or RMS.
4. Set the Antenna Number to the number of antenna ports on your instrument.