Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : SCPI SPA Commands : :READ Subsystem
:READ Subsystem
This set of commands combines the ABORt, INITiate and FETCh commands. It aborts any current triggering sequence and sets the trigger state to idle. It then initiates a new active measurement (i.e. begins the collection of new data). When the measurement is complete, it returns the result. These commands will not switch to another measurement.
To get the current measurement data, use the FETCh command.
Read Channel Power And Density
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the results: channel power and channel power density. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower? The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower).Data is returned as 2 comma-separat ed values: channel power, channel power density.If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan,nan". If :INITiate command fails it returns a string "nan,nan".
Read Channel Power And Density
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the channel power result: channel power and channel power density. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower? The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower). Data is returned as 2 comma-separated values: channel power, channel power density. If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan" If :INITiate command fails it returns a string "nan".
Read Channel Power Density
Triggers a new channel power measurement and returns the channel power density results. It is a combination of the commands :ABORT; :INITiate; :FETCh:CHPower:DENSity? Data returned is channel power density. The channel power measurement must be the active measurement (specified by the command :CONFigure:CHPower). If the measurement is not active, the instrument will indicate error -400 and return the string "nan". If :INITiate command fails it returns a string "nan".