Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : SCPI SPA Commands : :MMEMory Subsystem
:MMEMory Subsystem
The commands in the Mass MEMory subsystem contain functions that provide access to the instrument setup and data storage.
:MMEMory:LOAD:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
Load Limit From File
This command loads limit data from the limit file specified by file name. The three Parametersfor this command are label, file name and current storage location. File name is relative file path to the current storage location including the file name to be loaded and it should not be empty. Current location can be an external device path. Current location defaults to the internal memory, if an empty string is passed. Currently label is not being used. Send an empty string.
:MMEMory:LOAD:RAM <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<string>
Load RAM
Load data from RAM to a file. This command takes three Parameters1. data block size: that needs to be loaded in bytes (must be a word aligned) 2. offset: in bytes from start of RAM address to load from 3. filename: name of the file without the full path. This is the destination file where the contents of RAM are copied over
Clear All Save On Event
Turns off all save on event types that are active.
:MMEMory:STOEvent:EOSWeep:MODE CONTinuous|SINGle
End of Sweep Save On Event Mode
Specifies the stop mode of the end of sweep save on event system. Setting the value to CONTinuous will cause the instrument to keep saving traces at the completion of every valid sweep. Setting the value to SINGle will trigger a save trace on the next complete valid sweep and then automatically turn the end of sweep save on event feature OFF.
Default Value
:MMEMory:STOEvent:EOSWeep[:STATe] <boolean>
End of Sweep Save on Event State
Turn the end of sweep save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature on will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace whenever a sweep completes.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
Default Value
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:INTerval <numeric_value> {US | MS | S | MIN | HR}
Limit Save On Event Interval
Sets the time interval to keep saving after a limit line failure has occured when :MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:MODE is set to INTerval.
Default Value
60000 ms
Default Unit
0 ms to 2.16e+08 ms
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:MODE CONTinuous|SINGle|INTerval
End of Sweep Save On Event Mode
Specifies the stop mode of the limit save on event system. Setting the value to CONTinuous will cause the instrument to keep saving traces at every limit line failure. Setting the value to SINGle will trigger a save trace on the next limit line failure and then automatically turn the end of sweep save on event feature OFF automatically. Setting the value to INTerval will trigger a save on the next limit line failure and continue to save at every end of sweep until the set time interval has expired.
Default Value
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit:PTRigger[:STATe] <0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Limit Pretrigger Save on Event State
Turn the limit pre-trigger save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature ON will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace captured prior to the limit line failure trace. The :MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit[:STATe] and :INITiate:CONTinuous needs to be turned ON for the pre-trigger feature to apply.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
<0 | 1 | ON | OFF>
Query Return
0 | 1
Default Value
:MMEMory:STOEvent:LIMit[:STATe] <boolean>
Limit Save on Event State
Turn the limit save on event ON or OFF. Turning the feature on will cause the instrument to automatically save a trace whenever a limit line failure occurs.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location. Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
Default Value
:MMEMory:STORe:LIMit <string>,<string>,<string>
Store Limit to File
This command stores the limit data into the file specified by file name. The three Parametersfor this command are label, file name and current storage location. File name is relative file path to the current storage location including the file name to be saved and it should not be empty. Current location can be an external device path. Current location defaults to the internal memory, if an empty string is passed. Currently label is not being used. Send an empty string.
A common cause of the command failure is not having enough space available on the storage location.Use :MMEMory:CATalog:DIRectory query command to retrieve the total space available on the storage location.
:MMEMory:STORe:RAM <numeric_value>,<numeric_value>,<string>
Store RAM
Store data to RAM from a file. This command takes three Parameters1. data block size: that needs to be stored in bytes (must be a word aligned) 2. offset: in bytes from start of RAM address to store data at 3. filename: name of the file without the full path. Contents of this file will be copied over to RAM