Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : SCPI SPA Commands : :INPut Subsystem
:INPut Subsystem
Set Relay State
Query the state of the overpower relay, or close it. During an overpower condition, the relay will open automatically to prevent damage to RF circuitry, and the device dependent error bit in the ESR will be set to indicate that an overpower condition occurred. Additionally the instrument will automatically try to close the relay every hour after it detects that the relay is opened.
To recover, remove the offending input source and then issue this command with a parameter of CLOSed to close the relay or wait for an hour from the time when the relay was opened for the instrument to close the relay automatically.
Note that while this command returns the relay state as "CLOSed|OPEN", this command only accepts "CLOSed as a parameter" (that is, the relay cannot be manually opened, only closed).
Recovering from an overpower condition requires user interaction, either manually or via an automated program that can send this SCPI command to the instrument. Additionally, if the relay is CLOSed without removing the source of the overpower, it will immediately revert to OPEN.
Default Value