Remote Spectrum Monitoring System Help : SCPI SPA Commands : :CONFigure Subsystem
:CONFigure Subsystem
This set of commands prepares the instrument for the selected measurement. It disables any currently-enabled measurements and activates the specified measurement. It sets the instrument to single sweep mode, waiting for an :INITiate command. It will not initiate the taking of a measurement. Current instrument settings may be changed to default values. These changes are identified with their respective measurement commands.
Configure Channel Power
Configures the default channel power measurement. Disables any other active one-button measurements, including ACPR, occupied bandwidth, AM/FM demodulation and C/I. Sets the integration bandwidth equal to the span. Sets the detection method to RMS. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:CHPower commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.
Configure Occupied Bandwidth
Configures the default occupied bandwidth measurement. Disables any other active one-button measurements, including channel power, ACPR, AM/FM demodulation and C/I. Sets the method to %. Sets the % of power to 99%. Sets the instrument to single sweep mode (:INITiate:CONTinuous: OFF). Measurement settings can be modified by using the [:SENSe]:OBWidth commands before initiating a sweep. Note that this measurement is not valid in zero span.