SENS:FREQ:CENTER 100 MHz SENS:FREQ:SPAN 20 MHz SWEEP:MODE FFT //Set RBW 30 kHz BANDWIDTH 30 KHz //Set Reference Level to -30 dBm DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:SCAL:RLEV -30 //Set to single sweep INIT:CONT OFF //abort any sweep in progress :ABORT
//Set Capture bandwidth. Not same as RBW. IQ:BANDWIDTH 20 MHz
//Set 16 bit resolution IQ:BITS 16
//Set to I/Q block capture mode IQ:MODE SINGLE //enable time stamp SENS:IQ:TIME 1
//Set capture length to 5 msec IQ:LENGTH 5 ms
//Start IQ Capture. Triggers single capture. Data is saved to DDR2 SDRAM memory. MEAS:IQ:CAPT
//Check if capture is completed normally STATus:OPERation?
//The STATus:OPERation? query responds with a integer. Convert this integer to binary. //Bit 9 is set to 1 when the MEAS:IQ:CAPT command is issued. //Bit 9 is set to 0 when the capture is completed normally in block mode.